Custom Recorder


To support various modern UI frameworks, we can extend the IDA recorder script and utility script. The page can be accessed by the menu Administration -> Custom Recorder. Usually, we use this feature to provide a hot fix to customers if the record feature needs to be enhanced.

Uncomment the definition of the bta.record.RECORD_EVENTS to enable the script.

bta.record.RECORD_EVENTS Array of recorder mappings This is the array to maintain the mapping between test commands and the target UI controls.
The recorder mapping JSON object The key represents a test command which is composed of the command category and command name. For example: stands for the command click under the category UI. The value is the target UI control configuration.
The target UI control configuration JSON object The JSON contains three keys: cssSelector, setValue, and events.
cssSelector Array of strings The CSS selector can identify the UI controls.
setValue function(element, data) element is the target UI control DOM element. data is the recorded data.
events Array of strings The recorder will fire the corresponding event on the target UI control and also trigger the setValue function.