Settings Configuration

General configuration

Field Description
Trace Level The value of trace level, in default it have five levels (TRACE, DEBUG,WARN,INFO,ERROR).
Data Path IDA working directory data path
Enable LDAP Authentication Login IDA with ldap configuration
Url LDAP server url
User Name LDAP server user name
Password LDAP server password
Base DN LDAP base dn for filtering users
User filter LDAP user filter pattern, use ‘#’ to split multiple user filter pattern
Default Role Default role for LDAP user used in IDA
User Name Case Insensitive LDAP server is case insensitive or not, default value is true
Enable Notifications Global setting to enable/disable notifications. Enabled notifications can be futher configured on each user profile page
Test Case Created Enable notification of test case creation
Test Case Modified Enable notification of test case modification
Pipeline Build Success Enable notification of pipeline build success
Pipeline Build Failure Enable notification of pipeline build failure
BAW and Selenium Server Down/Up Enable notification of server status
Server Status Check Interval Time interval in seconds to check the availability of BAW and Selenium servers

Test configuration

Field Description
Stop After Assert Failure If not checked, the test case will keep running when the assertion fails.
Enable Test Case History Enable save test case history function
Max Number of Test Case History Set test case history max number of each test case, default value is 100.
Threshold of New Test Case Threshold of generating test case per process
Default Wait Timeout(seconds) Default wait time out for test commands and finding web elements, default value is 60.
Page Load Timeout(seconds) Default page load time out for open and load page, default value is 10.
Default Retry Interval(seconds) Default value of retry interval
Default Retry Times Default value of retry times

Checkstyle configuration

Field Description
Engine The checkstyle engine options can be EMBEDDED and ODM
Rest Url Business decision service execution REST url
Decision Server Username Decision Server Username
Decision Server Password Decision Server Password
Decision Server URL Decision server url, Replace localhost with the hostname or ip address of Rule Execution Server
Decision Server Port The port of decision server
Tags These will be used to ignore artifacts by tag(s). For example: test.
Naming Pattern This pattern will be used to ignore artifacts by name. Pattern supports variables test$, ^test.

Pipeline configuration

Field Description
Interval for Trigger by New Snapshot(seconds): Time interval in seconds for pipeline new snapshot trigger job to query BAW PC servers
BAW Deployment Remote Dir Installation Package Remote Dir
Deployment Timeout(seconds) Timeout of check if snapshot is installed on PS and set as default snapshot
Deployment Check Interval(seconds) Interval of check if snapshot is installed on PS and set as default snapshot
Max # of builds to keep If not empty, only up to this number of builds are kept
Days to keep builds If not empty, builds are only kept up to this number of days
Host SMTP host
Port SMPT port
Sender Email Sender email
Sender Password Sender Password

Search configuration

Field Description
Search Depth Search (and comparison) depth of Coach/Coach View

Set Kubernetes configuration

The Kubernetes configuration is used to create Containerized Selenium Grid Server. Tested on Openshift 4.x.

Field Description
Ingress Host The subdomain to use for exposed routes. For OpenShift, it should be in the format of apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>. The <cluster_name> and <base_domain> come from the installation config file.
Server Url Cluster API address. For OpenShift, it should be in the format of https://api.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>:6443. The <cluster_name> and <base_domain> come from the installation config file.
Namespace The namespace/project that you want to use to create your containerized grid.
User Token Token of service account.

Here is a sample:

The commands to get ingress host, server url and token:

# Command to get ingress host
oc get ingresses.config cluster --output jsonpath={.spec.domain}

# Command to get server url
oc whoami --show-server

# Commands to get user token
oc new-project selenium-demo
oc create sa ida-selenium-sa
oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin -z ida-selenium-sa
TOKENNAME=`oc describe  sa/ida-selenium-sa | grep Tokens |  awk '{print $2}'`
TOKEN=`oc get secret $TOKENNAME -o jsonpath='{.data.token}'| base64 --decode`
echo $TOKEN