Selenium Hub Configuration

How to configure selenium hub

You need to setup the Post Installation Setup before this step.

Add selenium hub

  1. Click Administrator tab, then switch to Selemium Hub Configuration table to manage hubs.
  2. Click icon which is on the right of Users manager to add new users.
  3. Fill out the form below to add Standalone selenium grid for IDA. Then click Create button.

    Field Description
    Server Name Hub name
    Server URL Hub URL, there is no long a need for the ‘/wd/hub’ suffix in the URL
    Browser Support Firefox, Chrome and IE
    Configuration Customize browser options for selenium
  4. Fill out the form below to create Containerized selenium grid for IDA. Then click Create button.

    Field Description
    Server Name Hub name
    Browser Support Chrome, Edge and Firefox.
    Session Timeout The Node will automatically kill a session that has not had any activity in the last X seconds. This will release the slot for other tests.
    Session Request Timeout Timeout in seconds. A new incoming session request is added to the queue. Requests sitting in the queue for longer than the configured time will timeout.
    Node Min Replicas Number Nodes will automatically increase or decrease according to actual needs, this value sets the minimum number of nodes.
    Node Max Replicas Number Nodes will automatically increase or decrease according to actual needs, this value sets the maximum number of nodes.
    Configuration Customize browser options for selenium

    The option Containerized is unavailable by default. You need to configure Kubernates Setting before creating this kind of selenium grid.

Known Issues:

Containerized Firefox hub throws timeout exception when deployed on OCP 4.11+.


You can customize the selenium configuration based on the template. Currenctly we support below types of configuration.

Headless for chrome and firefox

## Enable headless mode
- "--headless"

experimentalOption for chrome setting

## Fix issue "Loading of unpacked extensions is disabled by administrator."
  useAutomationExtension: false

Window Size

This argument only works under headless mode.

## Change windows szie
- "window-size=1920,1080"

Full Page Screenshot

## Enable full page screenshot
- "--fullPageScreenshot"

Edit selenium hub

  1. Click Edit icon on the right of the Selenium Grid Configuration that you want to edit.

  2. Change configurations of the selenium grid. Then click Save.

Delete selenium hub

Select the hub in the Selemium Hub Configuration table, then click the Delete button to delete selenium hub.

Test selenium hub

Click Test Connection icon on the right of the Selenium Grid Configuration that you want to test.If connection is wrong,it will popup warning info.