Custom OOTB Command

Replayer command customization

  1. Login into IDA web console. Click Administrator tab, then switch to Custom Command tab.

  2. Click Custom OOTB Command.

  3. Choose the command from OOTB command list,it will show the template code for usage.

  4. Write your command logic after TODO add your implementation below, For example line.

var coachView = bta.util.getCoachView(this.jsonObject);
var element = coachView.context.element
 .querySelector("div.CoachView.MySelect div.dijitInputField input,div.CoachView.MyText div.dijitInputField input");
if (element) 
  var xpath = bta.util.getXpath(element);
	var parameter = {
	  xpath: xpath,
 	  value: value
  return bta.util.callback("sendKey", parameter);

  1. Click the save button to save the content.

  2. You can run your test case in replay mode to see it works or not.

Test Command
JavaScript API


You can write console.log to debug your replay script in your browser.

