Merge Snapshots

Snapshot merge allows users to compare one snapshot with a trace tip snapshot of a process app. There will be a detailed side-by-side report after this merge operation.

This feature is an experimental function and currently has the following limitations:

  • Only supports the updated Script section in Service Flow/Human Service/Process
  • Only supports overwriting the entire artifact in Service Flow/Human Service/Process
  • Only supports deleting the entire artifact.
  • Only supports adding the entire artifact.

Enable Merge To

Enable the Snapshot Merge in Administration Settings. Then the Merge To button will show in Comparison.

Field Description
Snapshot Merge Enable it to enable Merge To in Comparison.
Snapshot Naming Pattern This pattern will be used to create a snapshot for an unnamed tip snapshot during merge. The pattern supports variables {MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH}, {yyyyMMddHHmmss}, {yyyyMMdd}, {TRACK}, and {APP_ACRONYM}

Load Snapshots of a Process App

  1. Click the Comparison tab.

  2. Fill out the form according to the following statement.

    Parameter Description
    Server Server environment.
    Process App Process apps of the selected server.
    Toolkit Toolkits of the selected server.
    Track The branches of the selected process app or toolkit. Multiple selections allowed. Will load snapshots of the selected branches.
    Start Date Filtration condition. Filter snapshots based on the time at which the snapshot was generated.
    End Date Filtration condition. Filter snapshots based on the time at which the snapshot was generated.
    Include Unnamed Snapshots Tip it to load unnamed snapshots.

  3. Click Load Snapshots. All qualified snapshots are loaded.

Merge Snapshots

Select one snapshot, then click the Merge To button. Choose the track to merge.

If the current tip snapshot of this track is unnamed, the following alert will show, and the user needs to create a new snapshot.

If the current tip snapshot of this track is named, the following alert will show.

Click the Create / OK button and wait for it to finish.

After finishing, the button will show. Click it to see the merged report.