How to Deploy a Toolkit by Group Pipeline

1. Create a test project, we will test the toolkit with the project

Please refer to Create a test project and generate test cases to create a test project.

  1. Here is a project named “Test Dep APP” that use the toolkit to be deployed.

2. Create a pipeline, we will take sanpshot for the toolkit before testing it

Please refer to Create a Pipeline for Continuous Deployment to create a pipeline. Here we have created pipeline named “_Create Toolkit Snapshot Pipeline”.

  1. Below is the pipeline overview.

  2. In the “Dev” stage we input the toolkit and corresponding snapshot information.

  3. In the “Take Snapshot” step, fill in the “Type” and “Name Pattern” fields.

3. Create another pipeline, we will update the toolkit dependence then test it

Here we have created pipeline named “_Update Toolkit Dep Pipeline”.

  1. Below is the pipeline overview.

  2. In the “Development” stage, input the test project name “Test Dep APP” and some other information.

  3. Input “Type” and “Toolkit” in the “update” step.

  4. In the “Test” step, select the test project that we use it to test the toolkit.

  5. Take a snapshot for the project after testing.

4. Create a group pipeline to run “_Create Toolkit Snapshot Pipeline” and “_Update Toolkit Dep Pipeline” sequentially

  1. Go to the “Define page”, input the pipeline name and select the “Pipeline Group” checkbox.

  2. Click the “+” button besides the “Stage Configuration” and select the pipeline you have created from the select.

Run the group pipeline, you could deploy a toolkit by it.

