Repacking IDA v3.x Application

Properties Configuration

Configure IDA properties

Edit [IDA_HOME]/conf/ under conf folder.

This properties file contains three main sections. Please set spring.datasource.driver-class-name, spring.datasource.url, spring.datasource.username, spring.datasource.password field. If you want to encode your database password. Please refer to Notes 2 below.

Notes 1: Please add JNDI or Datasource configuration. Only one type of configuration is needed and please comment out the other configuration. We recommend using JNDI configuraion and the JNDI datasource name should be configured on your application server. See sample JNDI datasource configuration in Liberty server in installation doc.

JNDI Configuration

  • spring.datasource.jndi-name : JNDI NAME

Datasource Configuration

  • spring.datasource.driver-class-name : Dirver Class Name
  • spring.datasource.url : Datasource url
  • spring.datasource.username : User Name
  • spring.datasource.password : Password

Jasypt Configuration

  • jasypt.encryptor.password : Jasypt secret key for Encrypt datasource passwords

Notes 2: If you want to use encrypt database password in the spring.datasource.password.You need to generate the encrypt password.There are two ways to generate it.The secret key is define in the jasypt.encryptor.password. You can use online web tool to generate encrypted password.

Also you can use command line tool from jasypt to generate.

Repacking IDA-web with configuration

The purpose of repackage is to update your application-product.yaml in the war to make sure it loads the recent configuration.Once all the properties in [IDA_HOME]/conf/ file have been updated, you can then re-package the [IDA_HOME]/build/ida-web.war file.

Before running the [IDA_HOME]/package.bat or [IDA_HOME]/ you will need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable and make ensure that [JAVA_HOME]/bin is included in the variable. Once the environment variable is set , you can then execute the package shell command to repackage the ida-web.war.

Repacking IDA v2.x Application

Properties Configuration

Edit [IDA_HOME]/conf/ under conf folder.

This properties file contains three main sections.

application configuration

  • spring.datasource.username : Database connection username
  • spring.datasource.password : Database connection password
  • spring.datasource.url : Database connection URL. If you want to configure specific data schema to db2, change your url like this:
     # for DB2
  • : IDA server IP or host name
  • server.context-path : default as “/ida”
  • http.port : Liberty http port defined in the server.xml
  • https.port : Liberty https port defined in the server.xml
  • engine-config.connection-timeout : page load timeout
  • engine-config.wait-timeout : default wait timeout, used in waitTextPresent and waitElement commands
  • engine-config.default-retry-times : the default retry times of the failed command. Can be overwritten by project properties.
  • engine-config.default-retry-interval : the default interval time between the retry. If not be set, the default is 3. Can be overwritten by project properties.
  • : Temp folder to keep resouces like screenshot,checkstyle,twx etc
  • engine-config.installation-package-remote-dir : Temp folder to keep exported installation packages in PC/PS server
  • : SMTP host
  • smtp.port : SMTP port
  • email.from : Sender Email address
  • : IP and Port of embedded ActiveMQ. It is only needed when you integrate IDA with BAW DEF[1] to have the monitoring feature. By default this property is commented out. You can leave it as-is if you don’t need the monitoring feature. If you need it, you can uncomment it and replace the localhost with the actual IP address of the IDA deployment server.
  • deployment.timeout : The timeout in seconds for REST API call to check if snapshot is installed on PS and set as default snapshot
  • deployment.interval : The interval in seconds for REST API call to check if snapshot is installed on PS and set as default snapshot
  • jasypt.encryptor.password : default value password
  • enable_case_history : Enable save test case history function, default value is true.
  • max_case_history : Set latest test case history max number of each test case, default value is 100.

Notes If you want to use encrypt database password in the spring.datasource.password.You need to generate the encrypt password.There are two ways to generate it.The secret key is define in the jasypt.encryptor.password. You can use online web tool to generate encrypted password.

Also you can use command line tool from jasypt to generate.

Once you get the encrypt password,you need to change spring.datasource.password like below format.As a general rule, jasypt expects encrypted configuration parameters to appear surrounded by “ENC(…)”.
spring.datasource.password: ENC(Yasd1hzrpo05EdNTzlifQ22+8LUNAgcT)

LDAP properties configuration

  • ldap.enable : If set flag to true, it will authenticate the ida users by ldap protocol.
  • ldap.url : Set LDAP server url.
  • ldap.username : Set LDAP server login user name.
  • ldap.password : Set LDAP server login user password.
  • ldap.basedn : Set LDAP server base dn.
  • ldap.user.filter : Set LDAP server user fileter pattern, use ‘#’ to split multiple user filter patterns.
  • ldap.default.role : Set the default LDAP user role name.
  • : Set LDAP server is case insensitive or not.


  • If you enable LDAP authencation configuration, You could not add users by idaAdmin.
  • When a user sign in IDA at the first time, the user is not belong to any teams. The user need to ask the idaAdmin to assign him/her to a team, then the user could create projects and pipelines.
  • Do not create user idaAdmin(case insensitive) in LDAP server because it is a reserved user.

LDAP Configuration Example

An example entry as displayed in the LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format) would look something like this:

dn: uid=ben,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: Ben Alex
sn: Alex
uid: ben

You LDAP server configuration may like this:

#Ldap Server configuration
#If set flag to true, it will authenticate the ida users by ldap protocol
ldap.enable: true
#Ldap server url
ldap.url: "ldap://<IP_Address>:<port>/"
#Ldap server user name
ldap.username: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org"   
#Ldap server user password
ldap.password: "admin"
#The root of data information trees
ldap.basedn: "dc=example,dc=org"
#Ldap user filter pattern, use '#' to split multiple user filter pattern. If you want to use "uid=ben,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org" to login IDA. Just input "ben" for the username field and input the corresponding password field on the login form.

#Specify the organization information when verifying user.
ldap.user.filter: "uid={0},ou=people"
#Don not specify the organization information when verifying user.
ldap.user.filter: "uid={0}"

#Set default 
ldap.default.role: User
#Ldap server is case insensitive or not. true

checkstyle properties configuration

  • checkstyle.engine: The checkstyle engine property can be EMBEDDED or ODM. By default, it’s EMBEDDED. You need configure the following ODM server and rules configuration if you use ODM as checkstyle engine.
  • resUser : rule execution server username
  • resPassword : rule execution server password
  • resUrl : rule execution server url
  • resPort : rule execution server port
  • restUrl : The checkstyle rule ODM REST url

monitoring properties configuration (For BAW Monitoring purpose)

  • event_type : event types to be stored in IDA database
  • track_serviceflow : default as true

It is only needed when you want to configure monitoring[1] to have the monitoring feature. If you don’t need it, you can leave them as-is.

Datasource properties configuration You can uncomment DB2 property configuration and comment MySQL property configuration.


If you want your IDA support Latin alphabet in page,you need to add useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8 at the end of jdbc url.

Repacking IDA-web with configuration

The purpose of repackage is to update your application-product.yaml in the war to make sure it loads the recent configuration.Once all the properties in [IDA_HOME]/conf/ file have been updated, you can then re-package the [IDA_HOME]/build/ida-web.war file.

Before running the [IDA_HOME]/package.bat or [IDA_HOME]/ you will need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable and make ensure that [JAVA_HOME]/bin is included in the variable. Once the environment variable is set , you can then execute the package shell command to repackage the ida-web.war.

